#najimi x tadano
foxes81ofanime · 2 years
Pumpkin Carvings and Halloween Lights
This is a Komi Can’t Communicate fic.
Pairings: Najimi x Tadano, Implied NakaNaka Omuharu X Yamai Ren [just them fighting lmaao]
Description:  Najimi is a ghost. No, really. A real, live-well, not really, ghost. But they're disappearing. How long can they keep this a secret from their friends?
Basically a Ghost!Najimi AU.
Fic Under the Cut
Najimi looked at themselves in the mirror, eyes filled with worry as they saw their form flicker again in the mirror, over and over again rapidly, until they faded into a slight transparency instead. They were dressed in a purple t-shirt with a white sweaters underneath, a scarf around their neck, horns, a tail, and some ripped jeans. The only thing that nobody would know, however, was that the horns and tail weren’t fake. They were real. Najimi Osana, well… Najimi themselves didn’t even know what they were. They were… a ghost. They sighed. “I don’t have much time, do I?” they mumbled to themselves as they watched their form shift from transparent to invisible to solid once more. “Ugh, I knew that lady from that weird spirit ship thing was right. Ghosts really do… disappear once they complete their regrets, don’t they?” they said regretfully, jumping when they heard a knock at the door. They smiled a little, fake smile before putting a hand on the doorknob, recoiling at even how physically touching objects burned, before finally swallowing their fear, shakily putting their left foot forward and stepping through the door, going to the front and opening the door best they could without touching it. “Oh! Hey Tadano! Hey Komi!” they said with a fake happy tone, bouncing around. “What’cha here for?” they said again, fiddling with their fingers as they racked their brain for anything that could've possibly been happening for them to show up.
Tadano smiled nonchalantly. “Me and Komi are here to help you prepare for that Halloween party you said you were gonna host, remember?” he said, stepping inside. Najimi mentally cursed themselves for forgetting about it, and for scheduling it on Halloween night, when they were at their weakest. “Are you alright?” Tadano asked, noticing the smaller student’s stunned expression. He put his hand on their shoulder, surprised when they jumped back, holding their shoulder as if it burned, before looking back up, pretending like everything was alright. “Aha, I’m fine! Come in, come in!”  they said, guiding them to the living room. The house was… surprisingly clean Tadano noted. “I’ll-uh-go make us some tea! Yeah!” Najimi said, tail swinging behind them as they exited the room, Tadano nodding along as they spoke. “Let’s get started, shall we, Komi?” he asked, momentarily forgetting she was there. Komi nodded enthusiastically before picking up a pumpkin, carved to look like a cat, and setting it on the coffee table nearby. “I’ll hang the decorations, and you can take care of everything on the floor. Alright?” Tadano said, and with a nod of confirmation from Komi, he got started, grabbing a stool nearby and shifting the coffee table so it wasn’t under the fan, shifting the stool over, grabbing some garlands, and getting to work, hanging the garlands on the still fan.
With Najimi
Najimi exited the room, wobbling as soon as they were out of sight and crashing into the wall, hanging onto it for support as they tottered into the kitchen.
“I’ll hang the decorations, and you can take care of everything on the floor. Alright?” they heard Tadano say in the other room. Najimi shook their head, slightly clearing the fog in their mind as they staggered over to the stove, pouring some water into the teapot, closing it, and beginning to carry it over to the stove, humming as they went along. “Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo, baby shark doo doo doo doo doo, baby shark doo doo doo doo doo bab-” They got cut off by them flickering, the teapot going through their hands and nearly crashing onto the floor before they dropped down to the ground and caught it, heaving a sigh of relief as they put it on the stove, waiting for it to boil. Immediately, their back started throbbing in pain, making them bite the inside of their cheek to keep from screaming, the metallic taste of blood flooding their mouth as they slammed into the counter, letting out a soft scream, quickly stopped when they slapped a hand on their mouth as wings tore out of their back, splitting the skin in painful ways as they grabbed a hand towel and bit down onto it tightly. When it was over, they looked at their new… appendages, walked over to the counter, grabbing a first-aid kit, and began bandaging the areas around their new, small black wings. Once they finished, they prepared the rest of the tea and set it on a dish, going to their room and changing their shirt, replacing the bloody ones with clean ones, hiding them under the purple hoodie they slipped on, and went back to the kitchen, wincing at the pain walking created, their wings being jostled under the hoodie fabric, grabbing the dish with the teacups on it and wincing again at the pain touching physical objects cost them.
They went to the living room, where Tadano and Komi were already sitting down, finished with their work and chatting, although stopping when they saw Najimi. Najimi sat down and began passing out cups, trying their best to keep from showing how much pain it caused them. “Thanks, Najimi!” Tadano said, obviously worried about the purple-haired troublemaker as they received the cup with a small smile. “A-are you okay?” he asked them, worried. Najimi stared down at the table, disconnected from reality. ‘How long will I have left?’ they thought. ‘Will I disappear in the middle of the day?? When I’m sleeping?? What if I do before I can tell Tadano..? Or Komi??’ they thought worriedly. “Najimi? Najimi??” Tadano asked worriedly, standing up and bending down over them. “Najimi, are you okay??” he said whilst waving a hand in front of their eyes. Najimi blinked and snapped back to reality, a smile forming on their face. “Oh-sorry-uh-could you please repeat that, aha..” they said as happily as they could, with a smile that was most definitely not totally a fake smile? Tadano sighed with fake exasperation. “I said, are yo-” he was cut off by the doorbell ringing, making them all jump. “Oh, I’ll go get that.” Tadano said before exiting the room, coming back a few minutes later with their whole class. Yamai and Nakanaka were fighting about something, but both stopped as they saw Komi, going over to sit by her, and began chatting. Onemine and Otori came in next. “Looook! I foooollllowed you heeeere the whole way!” Otori announced, earning a small laugh from Onemine. “Kaede, you came with us again, remember?” she said, the two going to sit on the couch behind Najimi. Najimi smiled before silently walking into the kitchen and grabbing a tray of drinks, glad the pain had dulled… at least a little, before carrying it out to everyone, who cheered and all grabbed a drink. Najimi smiled, holding their drink up. “A toast! TO Halloween!” they said, a voice crack interrupting them, which made everyone laugh, and toasted. Eventually, they all found their respective groups and began chatting. Najimi began to walk back to the kitchen before overhearing something from one of them; the group was Shinobino, Shigeo, and Taisei. The three idiots. Shigeo spoke first. “Isn’t it amazing how Najimi survived that accident? They got hit by a car , head-on!” he said. Something clattered to the floor, surprising Najimi before they realized they had dropped the plastic plate the drinks were on. Everyone was staring at them. Normally, they would laugh and make a joke about it, but not now. They took a shaky step backward before sprinting out of the room, rushing into their bedroom and slamming the door shut, leaving a silent, awkward atmosphere back where they were. Tadano stood up quickly, rushing after them.
With Najimi (Again)
Najimi curled up in a ball in their room, their new wings acting crazy, tearing through the back of their shirt, broken and bloody as Najimi screamed into a pillow, flickering and obviously transparent. They jumped when a knock came from the door, covering their face with a pillow when the door opened. They didn’t want people to find out… but they did, all at the same time. They peeked out to see who it was, hiding their face again once they knew who it was. It was Tadano. Tadano stepped into the room, over all the things on the floor that were covering it, and knelt next to the shivering, sobbing, curled-up student who had their… wings flared out, giving them a small, awkward hug without touching their wings. “I-I don’t know what this is, but it’s alright. It’s fine. Just.. breathe. In. Out.” he said rhythmically, dramatizing his breaths loudly until Najimi’s breaths matched his. Finally, he spoke again, making Najimi jump. “Wh-what is… this…?” he breathed out. Najimi took in a deep breath, steeling themselves to tell them. Rip it off like a bandaid. They didn’t like band-aids, even though they had quite a bit of them from various scrapes. “I’m a ghost.” they blurted out, before slapping a hand over their mouth in horror, looking at Tadano. Tadano looked at them, before letting out an awkward laugh and staring at them. “No, you’re right here!” he practically screamed, the laughter in the background fading as they heard Tadano’s scream, as Tadano focused on Najimi as if he thought they would disappear at any moment. Najimi sighed. “I am a ghost,” they said as they let their physical form go, going practically transparent. “D-do you remember the car crash that day?” they said, looking at Tadano, who nodded. He remembered it clearly. He should’ve stopped Najimi from going out into the road-from getting hit head-on by that car-from getting hi- Najimi put a hand on his shoulder, reassuring him even though it burned to touch him. “I-I didn’t survive. I died… but I still somehow stayed alive.” they said. Tadano’s mind raced. How could this happen to Najimi?? It was all his fault-all his fault-allhisfaultallhisfault. As if reading his thoughts, Najimi spoke again. “It’s not your fault. I talked to some people-ghosts-and they said it was my time to die, b-but they can’t figure out when I’ll disappear. It’s like I’m stuck, between the living world and the afterlife. I-it’s painful, Tadano…” they said the last few words softly, looking down at the ground as their wings inadvertently tented around them, hiding them from the world. Tadano spoke, in a lower tone, lower and softer than Najimi had ever heard as he carefully parted the curtain of black, broken feathers and bones around Najimi. “Why haven’t you told anyone? We could help you with th-” he was cut off by Najimi. “You can’t. I’m slowly disappearing. I might go on to the afterlife, I might not. I might even just… be gone. It’s getting harder to stay here-harder to keep my physical form around my friends, and I’m even developing more… spirit-like traits… like these.” they gestured to their wings and tail, their tail up in a question mark formation. Tadano stayed there, shocked. “Do you want to tell anyone? Komi, maybe? Or Nakanaka? Yamai?” he said, listing off names. Najimi shook their head. “You can tell Komi, b-but… I want to tell everyone else myself.” they said. “You’re the first to find out about… this…” they mumbled the last few words softly. Tadano smiled. “Of course. You don’t have to tell them until you’re ready. Do you want to get back to the party?” he said, pulling himself down into more of a sitting position as Najimi sat up. “No… can we just… stay here?” Najimi asked, already comfortable being transparent. It was more comfortable than trying to keep their physical form in check. Tadano nodded before tackling them in a hug. Najimi grinned. It felt so nice… warm… not painful like it was earlier. They loved this moment. They didn’t want to let it go, wanted to stay like this forever, even with this… pain from staying here, in the mortal world. “Just for a little longer… let me stay like this, Kamisama.”
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theauthor27 · 1 year
Little Komi Can't Communicate moments that I like
I wanted to save space by cramming these all into one post.
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Najimi's silly in this scene and she's my favorite :)
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They're cute together :)
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I just like Najimi man IDK what to say.
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These pages were just cute.
No pictures but I love chapter 89.
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This one’s just funny.
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I feel like Najimi can only have intrusive thoughts.
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Gaze upon my penis peasants!
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Mmm~, I love men who still play with action figures.
Ran out of image space check reblogs.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Receiving chocolates from their crush in Valentine's Day
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Hitohito, Shoko, Makoto, Najimi ]
[ Komi can't communicate / Komi-san wa komyushou desu ]
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I always loved seeing those episodes with have the valentine's day theme and the whole thing about the chocolates, so here we go ❤️
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Hitohito Tadano
Hitohito isn't too shy and you two can easily became friends rather quickly, however, he is really shy when it comes to romantic stuff and it take a long time for him to accept that he has crush on you, also he is someone who gets clingy to his crush (if you two are friends, if not he will be the type to just admire you for afar)
Just knowing that valentine's day was soon he was getting nervous but excited. He was expecting this, but is more like a desire, deep down thats what he wish, but at the same time just the thought of you giving him chocolates make him feel like his heart is gonna explode! (even so, he try to calm down saying himself that something like that not sure to happen)
When the day came he stay attent at his surrounding, and yet when you approach him you manage to surprise him (even if you do it calmly or even shyly, is the fact that is you what startle him) . Calming himself down he says good morning like nothing, trying to ignore his blush and his racing heart
It doesn't matter if you give him the chocolates right there or go somewhere private, if you do it shyly or right away, either way you make his mind go blank, he's hearing you but not completely comprehend what are you saying
When he get back to his senses he quickly thank you efforly a thousand of times, he is a blushing mess
And if you tell him that those chocolates weren't exactly for friendship then he froze in his spot, your words replaying in his head like a broken record, but when he finally manage to react you were already gone
He can't bring himself to stop thinking of what did you say to him ALL DAY, everyone notice how distracted he seems to be, even Shouko gets super worried for him
In his house he will just stare at the chocolates for a while (he sister thinks his going crazy), he almost can't bring himself to eat them especially if they are homemade chocolates, but at the end he eat them (he swears they are the most delicious chocolates in the world)
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Shoko Komi
Shoko is rather new to any type of relationship, so even if she feels like her heart go faster when she is with you or how she wants to spend more and more time with you she will just brush it off as being just out of friendship
It took her a long time to accept that her feelings go more far from just a friendship, mainly becouse she is really shy and feel anxious about the whole thing
Knowing that Valentine's Day will be soon make her so nervous but at the same time excited, the very idea of making chocolates for you for her friends make her excited
She's putting all her efford in making the chocolates, hoping that you like them! She is doing chocolates for all her friends too, but deep down the thought of giving you chocolates is what give her motivation
Shouko is trying to be brave and give it to you personaly, but she's to nervous, even Hitohito is trying to cheer her but she just can't even bring herself to approach to you!
To be honest the thought of you giving her chocolates never cross her mind, so when you approach her and give her the chocolates she froze
Trembling she slowly reach to take the chocolates from your hands, she brush your hands a little and that just seems to make her even more nervous
She's trying to understand what are you telling her, but she can't! her mind is to busy overthinking the whole situation, at the end you say goodbye to her and go away, that make her come back to her senses but, even so, she can move
At the end she was too flustered to give you the chocolates so she just put them in your locker with a note thanking you for the chocolates
Late that day she just lock herself in her room rethinking the situation, and even regreting not reacting properly at that moment and don't giving you the chocolates herself as she planned to do
She stares for a moment at the chocolates you give her, and shyly start eating them and thats seems to comfort her. Now, she's smiling at the thought of you giving her the chocolates
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Makoto Katai
For Makoto relasionships are difficult, so he is confused with his feelings, not exactly knowing if there were for love or just care and admiration, either way what he is sure of it is that he truly appreciates you
When Valentine's Day was near he was sure of wanting to give you chocolates, even if he isn't sure of his feelings for you, he wants at least give it to you in a friendly mean
He really put effort in it, even if he wasn't was the one who actually made them he try to search for some that he knows you will like, and he even take time to make them seem cute (maybe a little and cute bun)
The day before he was mentally preparing himself to do it, thinking in what he will do and how he will do it, he even think on what to say to you, wanting to be prepare
When the day finally comes he pass all the morning trying to calm to himself down to be able to give you the chocolates (and to Hitohito too) while searching you
If he sees you first his nervious will grow little by little while approaching to you, but if you where the one who find him he will become a nervous wreck in a second
The idea of you giving him chocolates didn't crossed his mind (or at least he didn't take it seriously becouse the only thought of it made him so shy and embarased), you can give him the chocolates right away or wait for privacy, he will still freeze in the spot when you give them to him not knowing what to do
He wants to thank you but he is so nervious that he can't even talk, if you didn't know him enough you could easily misundertood his reaction as a rejection
If he get brave enoght he will give you the chocolates he have for you too in that moment, he do it shyly and trembling but he do it, if it not then he will do it during the day, but in either case he won't be able to say anything more (even if already had plan what he wanted to say to you)
When he get to his house he will stare for a while at the chocolates you gave him (specially if they where wrapped in a nice wrap), trying to process the butterflies he feel in his stomach and the warm of his cheeks before eat them
He will makes sure to give you nice and cute gift for white day
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Osana Najimi
Najimi is anything but shy, she is so friendly and has no shame, shyness is not something you can describe her with. She makes friends everywhere she goes, is easy to open up with her
Also, Najimi will notice right away when she have a crush on someone and she won't be suble with it either, she will cling to her crush and even give them hints that she like them
When valentine's day came she didn't give it much importance aside to take advantage of it, she decide to give a lot of chocolates just so they will return the gesture in the white day, even with her crush (she have no problem with confessing her feelings towards them so she doesn't see a need to give a big gesture in valentine's day)
So when you approach her to give her your chocolate she gets all excited, she will thank you quickly and start braging about how she loves valentine's day just for the chocolates, even so she won't eat them right away, she will keep them and when she is in private will look at them more carefuly (putting attention to the wrap) before eating them
In the moment you give them to her she will tease you (specially if you did it shyly) saying that they are probably home made and that you put all your love and effort in them so you can confess your undying love for her (you know, just Najimi being Najimi)
And if you actually use them to confess your love she will stare at you for a second with a blank face before scream that she know it and start braging about it, to end saying to you that you don't have to do something so chesy she obviously return the feelings
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clarktooncrossing · 2 years
Giraffe's Eye View | Komi Can't Communicate REVIEW
Wanna here more of my geeky opinions? Click here to check out my last review on 1962's Mothra! For now though, let's talk about the girl who doesn't talk a lot.
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When a person has extreme social anxiety, also known as social phobia, they struggle to communicate with others. But take this into consideration: it makes for genuinely heartwarming entertainment.
Like I said back in the review of Princess Mononoke, anime isn't really my thing. For a while the only animes I watched were RWBY or the Avatar series, only to be met by gatekeeping nerds saying those 'aren't true animes'. Usually their logic is that anything made outside of Japan is faux-anime, a way of thinking I consider incredibly stupid. After all, imagine if any animated media made out of the United States couldn't be called a cartoon. Ignoring that though, anime never struck my interest, much to the persistence of my pals. Much like with My Little Pony, I legit can't remember a time when I wasn't hounded to watch more of the stuff or read more mangas, it had gotten annoying! I thought I was safe with my sci-fi loving friend SIM-N (aka Finjix for anybody not familiar with his Monova or WALL-G comics), but eventually even he succumbed to the power of the medium. What was it that did him in?
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But we're not here to talk about Nagatoro, at least not yet, anyway. While we wait for Season 2 of that show to hit Crunchyroll, let's talk about the other anime series SIM-N got me hooked on!
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Komi Can't Communicate is a series centered around Komi, a High School student with an extreme social disorder that renders her practically mute. Not that anybody else in her school notices, instead perceiving her as silent beauty that's too cool to mingle with peasants like them. That is until an unassuming boy named Tadano discovers the truth, becoming her best friend before promising to help her make more. This all happens in the first episode / volume of the manga, the two carrying on a conversation via a chalkboard. It's a really cute scene that sets up the rest of the series perfectly. You get how nervous Komi is, how well Tadano's able to read her, and the seeds of what will (hopefully) blossom into a romantic relationship.
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Being someone who wasn't exactly a social butterfly in school, I relate to Komi far too easily. Heck, I can even relate to her getting a flip phone later on in the series, my family getting me an old school phone with keys rather than the newest iPhones that were slowly on the rise. The only thing I can't relate to is how everybody wants to be on Komi's radar. I was never that popular in High School, even accidentally. Admittedly that's the one annoying aspect of the show, how easily some problems are solved for Komi or how much everybody gushes over her, but luckily Komi's too modest to let any of that go to her head. The only opinion that genuinely seems to mater to her is Tadano's.
While equally intimidated by Komi's presence at first, Tadano quickly manages to pick up what her friend is feeling, resulting in the most endearing relationship on the show. Easily the cutest moments on the show come from the two encouraging each other, daring to reach outside their comfort zones, or even daggling in the romantic feelings they so obviously have for each other. I'd complain about this relationship being yet another slow burn I have to wait forever for, but recent developments in the manga have changed all of that.
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Before that happens though, there's the matter of Komi making 100 friends. This subplot is kinduv' annoying considering how many characters you have to keep track of, some being more notable than others. It gets so annoying that my friends and I have resorted to giving some of these friends nicknames for ease of remembering. Here are the ones who make frequent appearances or are the most memorable to me:
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First there's Najimi, Komi's second friend and Tadano's oldest friend. They are easily the best character on the show. Acting as a conundrum with lilac hair, this excitable young student is the one who truly pushes Komi to venture outside her comfort zone, inviting her to large social gatherings with an absurd amount of people. It helps that Najimi has been childhood friends with everybody, a factor they have used against Tadano on so many occasions. Good rule of thumb with Najimi: never tell them any of your secrets. You can pretty much guarantee they'll no longer be secrets by sundown. Also, never take them to Las Vegas, they have a gambling problem. Which is small potatoes in comparison to...
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Yamai Ren has earned the nickname 'Stalker McGee' among my peers. So obsessed with Komi is she that in one of the earlier storylines she actually kidnaps Tadano with the intent on killing him so she can take his place. Now one could say she wasn't really gonna commit manslaughter, playing it off more like a joke considering she threatens him with drumsticks in the show. I'd buy that if not for the fact that she wields a very large butcher's knife in the manga! Or, y'know, the fact that she kidnapped one of her peers in the first spam place! She is a creep that keeps overstepping her boundaries, constantly trying to peak up Komi's skirt or having sexual fantasies of her. Later on in the show when the girls all have to share a bathhouse, Yamai even asks to grab Komi's boobs. Honestly I'm shocked she even bothered asking! Stalker McGee is easily the worst character on the show, sentiments shared by friends like Alec or @the-pale-servant. Nobody likes this character, so why is she still here? In fact, her continued presence doesn't even make sense in-universe! After freeing Tadano, Komi and co forgive the blood-thirsty bitch way too spam easily! Girl, your spoiled butt should be in prison!
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Next there's Agari, a shy girl who totally has naturally green hair. Totally. Another anime trope she falls victim to is the series constantly drawing attention to her large breasts, which totally doesn't get annoying after the first few times they make this joke. Totally. Out of all the characters on this show, Agari is the one I feel the most pity for. Not only are they always pointing out how plump she is, but when they were making her they apparently rolled a Nat-1 for confidence, meaning her self-esteem is essentially non-existent. This is why when Komi eventually works up the courage to ask for her friendship, Agari only accepts only if she's treated like Komi's dog. That's not to say she isn't a cute character, but boy do I wish this universe would stop using her as a punching bag.
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In contrast we have Nakanaka, that one student from school you know spends most of her time at Hot Topic when not playing the latest JRPG. She wears an unnecessary eye patch, is a pro at totally not Smash Brothers, prefers to roleplay as some reincarnated knight, is it weird that she's one my favorite character on the show? She's just so zany and over the top that you can't help but love her. Then again, it also helps that she's a foil to Yamai, so there's that.
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Speaking of crazy, there's Makeru, Komi's self appointed rival who's super into sports... despite pretty much sucking at all of them.
There's plenty of other characters I haven't mentioned, but like I said, that's the downside of a show with a premise of someone making 100 friends. It's hard to remember them all. 100 always sounds big and flashy on paper, but in reality I would've been fine with Komi making 50 or so friends. It'd still be a large number while also providing us fans an easier time remembering who is who
Oh, and before anybody mentions why I haven't mentioned Manbagi yet, it's because I'm not that far in the manga yet and she was just introduced at the end of Season 2 of the anime. From what I have read though, she seems like yet another over-the-tope personality for Komi to befriend, though with a twist. Turns out she also has feelings for Tadano too. Unlike so many other properties that would depict the two as hostile rivals hellbent on making each other miserable in the name of love, Komi and Manbagi are depicted as friends who still try to encourage each other despite everything. I really dig that, actually. This series manages to depict healthy relationships founded on communication, something I wish more shows and books would do. Words can't describe how refreshing it is seeing everybody act so maturely. Y'know, save for Stalker McGee.
As stated though, the best moments come from Tadano and Komi. Them talking via chalkboard, Tadano cheering up Komi after a mishap at the water park, the two sitting next to each other during Christmas, Komi falling asleep on Tadano's shoulder on the bus ride back from a vacation, their ever-evolving relationship is the biggest reason why you should check out the book and series. If you haven't yet, do yourself a favor and buy yourself a copy of the manga or stream the show via Netflix. After all, it must've been good if it made an anime-shut-out like me into a reluctant weeb in training. Now to see if that carries over to the next anime I watch...
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helloescapist · 1 year
Apple-y Ever After | Najimi Osana
Word Count: 2256
Setting: Najimi Osana x gn!reader, pining
Content Warnings: SFW, fluff, short, little angst
Summary: The draw of an Autumn Festival always brings out the playful nature of Najimi, and this year, drawn by the tale of soulmates determined by apples, you find yourself into a plot to tease Tadano and Komi.
[image is not mine]
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The tender warm scent of orange osmanthus met the sweet smell of yakiimo. The cool of smoke caught by light breezes, dragged into the walkways. The nostalgic scent teasing the noses of wouldbe buyers, drawing them to food stalls. Sweet potato vendors greeting them eagerly, the warmth of their product a satisfying relief from the chill of the season.
The occasional savory skewer of matsutake mushrooms, accompanied by delectable grilled meats. Candy venders mixed into the food stalls, all eager to peddle their snacks. Festival goers enthralled by the scenery. Elders warmed by their teas; families snuggled into their children as they appraised the venders. Knit closely together in an attempt not to lose one another amongst the crowd. Their close quarters drawing warmth to their features. Toy makers providing a variety of novelties, dragonflies, vibrant lanterns, coveted kites and sparklers. Small fingers that grasped eagerly for a prize, the call of games dragging older siblings to stalls. School age kids charmed by their peers, playful as the weaved through the crowds; their laughter harmonious amongst the masses.  Warm hues of chestnuts touched by the smoke of the grills, a welcomed cozy greeting from the chill of the season. The touch of fall settling into the fading of the day, drawing not only the glow of lit festival lanterns overhead, but the small chill at your fingertips. Waves of oranges envied of persimmons, reds of rouge drawn from Japanese maple leaves, and the touch of golden leaves that settled to the ground. Touched the limited space between festival goer. The edging of ribbons dancing upon the autumn breeze. Bearing the wishes of inscribers, colorful in the dwindling hours.  Edged together, pressed into one another. The draw of your nose, pink and chilled despite the awning of the stall. The touch of fabric, and waves offering only a small shelter of warmth.
                The heat upon your cheeks not elicited by the warmth of the stall. The touch of playful banter ringing in your ears. The joy vibrant upon their cheeks, touched at the corner of gingerbread kissed eyes. Long eyelashes teased as their wide mouth released their series of chuckles. Mischievous as the pull of the back of their hand meeting the touch of their lips, feigning a hushed laugh. Not contained amongst the jovial atmosphere. The edges of their hair touched upon the high of their cheeks, the lavender drawing the growing rise of your blush. Najimi’s frisky behavior having drawn you out, guided by their own intentions. At the time, you had little understanding of why they would bring up *that* memory, threatened to expose you to classmates—it certainly seemed an unnecessary blackmail. You could think of a number of individuals who would seize the opportunity to accompany them on a date. So upon being coerced so roughly, the mention of childhood woes exposed to the light, you hadn’t fought tangle of Najimi’s overly familiar small hand that had nabbed your own. Dragged you to your bedroom, greeted your parents as though they were home themselves before plunging into your closet. Raided the contents of our wardrobe. Shameless remarks of how little style your selection offered. The touch of their overall short shorts lacking modesty, the twirl of their hips revealing that as always, their own clothing selection had been intentional. The light color complementary, the edge of their turtle neck long sleeve tucked underneath flirting at the draw of their neck. Their fashion choices drawing melancholy as their words inflicted invisible wounds. All well-meaning, hurtful regardless as they selected specific items. Long pants, touched upon ankle boots, and the relaxed touch of plaid. Comfortable, and breezy, Najimi’s teasing grin all too aware of how the chill often touched upon you. They insisted, they needed you dolled up—you were so pretty, but today, they needed you. So much so, that they had threatened blackmail—and outward confusion as to the way you had thrown them from your room to change.
                You should have known better, this was Najimi Osana you were considering. Once again. Toyed against compliments, shuttering at thoughts of an rare outing together. Hinted about the intimacy implication, how they had assured you that they had no interludes—this time was secured for the two of you. You. Fool.
                No, at the time, the decision had certainly seemed spontaenous as it often did when Osana was involved. The warm of their invitaiton touching your cheeks. They complimented you. Considered how much of you must be a masochist to bend to their will at a moment’s notice, or allow them to drag you to the festival. Fingers interlaced. The melancholy at your heart as you pressed a smile, all too aware that this was just the nature of your childhood friend. Playful. Familiar. Even if it elicited the blush upon your cheeks, or left your heart longing for inedible rejection. Yet, as you stood here now. The touch of Najimi’s hands upon your shoulders. Your knees collapsed to your chest. Their energy radiating as they shook your bones eagerly. The chill of the season fading from your view, as the brow drew upon your face. Face to face with the class queen, the beauty of her long eyelashes. Hair as black as the night sky, delicate features that would shame any doll, Komi’s eyes revealing her resolve. The touch of pink nothing compared to the horror Tadano’s expression revealed. The draw of his fingers to his mouth, shooing Najimi. Demanding they stop torturing Komi, insisting the apple tale had been nothing more than folk lore, and Najimi was just… well, being Najimi.
                Your invitation settled into disappointment… You were not invited on a tryst. Of course not. It’s Najimi. Rather, you had been a pawn in their game, pitted against the class beauty the flicker of apple carvings revealing names as the floated in the barrel. Rolled upon the gentle shake of the water, the way Najimi shook your shoulders as though you were a ragdoll, your hands had leaned upon the wooden barrel for support. The stall keeper laughing joyously offering his support for Komi’s desires. The names, characters that had been etched into the skin of the apple upon Najimi dragging you to the stall.  His warm voice detailing the apple folk lore. One born of European beliefs, secured amongst the orchard’s produce. His aged hands gently carving into the flesh of the fruit, the names he had been provided.  Najimi quick to offer their own as well as Tadano’s, the man shared the tale of bobbing apples. To secure the apple upon your lips, the name revealed to reflect your soulmates. Najimi and Tadano’s own attempts having landed an apple prior to your own, thus eliciting Najimi’s challenge whether Komi’s apple would match. Your childhood friend’s prodding having pitted you against Komi despite the oblivious way Tadano tried to defer the showdown. You had fallen for Osana’s games, again. The touch of the wood between your fingertips. The ripple of the water beneath your grasp buzzing with the energy of the companion at your side, as well as the intimidating light of Komi’s eyes. Her eyelashes long and luminious as she willed herself to breath. The stall keeper beginning the countdown.  You had been had. Again. Next time, you would urge your mother to reject their advances, regardless of what sweet compliments they paid her. Never again, you told yourself before sucking the cold air between your nostrils, the plunge of water shattered and cooled into your hair. As though the dropping temperatures of the season had been revealed beneath the surface of the water, faintly aware that Komi had targeted her apple. The snip of apple flesh between your teeth. The jerk of your head compulsory flinging water into the air as you grasped for breath. The fruit bruised and skewered by your bite.  The chill of th temperature drawn at the ends of your hair. The droplets touched upon your bangs, hitting the high of your cheeks. Shuttered against your eyelashes. The praise of the shop keeper teasing and warm, edged his elbows against your short companion. The heat of the stall having touched upon Najimi’s complexion. Their eyes wide, revealing the warmth of caramel that they hiddened, their tongue just as sweet upon the way they averted their eyes from meeting with their own. Quick to push upon Tadano, demanding he pay the determined fee—“T-Tadano, you owe [FN] takoyaki,” they exclaimed. Quick to divert their attention. Pushing Tadano from the stall, the urge of their movements lost upon you. Whether Komi had procured the apple of her desires, you weren’t sure. Your eyes left to gaze upon the gentle flesh, the touch of golden yellow that had begun to set into the rose petal hue of the apple. The luster of the fruit caught between the lanterns, appraised between your fingertips. The melancholy that settled at your heart, the bashful retreat procured by the name carved into the apple.
                The fall of your shoulders as your eyes traced the characters. The tremble of your lip. Stupid you told yourself with a sigh, all too aware of how flighty Najimi’s heart could be. Playful, and teasing, despite the care you had long since cultivated towards your childhood friend, you had been all too aware that the way in which they regarded you was of little significance. As familiar and embracing to others, you were just their friend. Reprimanded your daydreams aware of the way Komi’s eyes peeked at you through her bangs. The rise of panic settling in her chest, nearly vibrating in the way she regarded you. The splutter of vowels you could not comprehend. Shattered and anxious, her fingers fumbling. Rattled against keys, the realization of unease you had drawn in her, anxious and shattered. “Are you okay?,” typed against the phone keys.
                “Y-yes,” you reassured her, delicate to regard her. What it was you were feeling--- you shouldn’t let it ruin Komi’s night. The small bit of pride in which she had faced the masses to join your excursion. It wasn’t fair to allow your disappointment to drag her down.
  Forcing an uneasy smile. Told yourself to submerge the ache of your heart until you were home. Until you were in bed.. then you would allow yourself to cry. Ah, not that you had even been rejected, really to have been rejected would have meant that you had padded out of the friend zone if only for a moment… in which you had not. Nor did you suspect that anyone had ever done so with Osana, or if they in fact, had a zone outside of friends… did they even have enemies? Shaking the thoughts from your head, the touch of your bend of yoru back, attempting to bid the shop keeper farewell. His words reassuring, barely offered the time to express you ha—what you did not hear. The draw of fingers that interlaced between your own. Tugged backwards. Loud and expressive, demanding your attention as though a jealous child. “Say AAAAAAh!” Najimi demanded. The tray of Takoyaki decorated with hearts, over filled with toppings and sloshed upon the toothpick. Piping hot in the way they pressed the octopus to your lips. Dragging you fro the premises, enthusiastic to explore the festival.
The smile upon the shop keeper’s lips warm and knowing. The touch of age that had marked his whiskers. Many years spent sharing the tales of soulmates decided by the passing of the autumn fall. Etched into tradition, as well as the apples of the season. The passing of time having gifted him to witnessing a variety of relationships, and how they had progressed as time went on. Some couples clearly smitten in their early years, intertwine long before they had visited his stand. Others, bitter and snip at each other in their formative years, bound together and combative in their age, their children reflecting the same competitive nature. The passage of time had been the very reason he set up his festival stall every year. The growth of relationships, warmed and playful had provided him comfort over the years following the loss of his wife, such as the first year he had been coerced by a friend to set up shop.
His first costumers had been small children. Drawn by the promise of festival treats, playful as children often are. A noticeably timid child dragged along by their friend who expressed the utmost confidence in their skills. Dressed in flamboyant colors, the child’s voice had boomed despite their petite size. The touch of their lavender hair and their large smile had not faded from his memories. Nor had the way they had turned to their companion and declared that they would be the one to retrieve their friend’s apple--- they would show them! The desperate plop, struggle of water, and over enthusiasm. The tremble of their small frame, resolved. determined. Pressing their luck with each bob. The shopkeeper, had admittedly expressed concern for the child's future-- gambling was not the answer to a happy life. Though it had done little to shake the young one's resolve. It was though a fire had been lit in the child’s resolve as they attempted time and time again before proudly thrusting their secured apple into their friend’s face. Their laugh jovial, and loud. Proclaiming they would be together forever.
The memory eliciting a smile from the shop keeper as he watched you slip from view, once again dragged from his stall by your over enthusiastic friend. Still excited to tow you along, the affection slipping from your understanding. “Perhaps, I will see you again,” he whispered to the apples forgotten in your departure. Placed them snug against each other. Touched the edge of not quite rippened fruit together. THe touch of the flesh revealing that there was still some time to come, but in no time at all, the apples would be ripe and ready. Side by side.
Najimi Osana.
[FN, LN].
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tulipselfships · 6 months
Favorite characters from each Fandom
So, I've decided to do a lust of my top 3 favorite characters from each Fandom that I write for. These are my opinions, and they may not be the most popular, but I love these guys too much to not acknowledge them.
BNA: Brand New Animal: Nazuna Hiwatashi, Michiru Kagemori, Nina Flip
Castlevania: Alucard, Richter Belmont, Charlotte Aulin
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc: Chihiro Fujisaki, Toko Fukawa, Mondo Owada
Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair: Chiaki Nanami, Teruteru Hanamura, Gundham Tanaka
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony: Himiko Yumeno, Kokichi Ouma, Gonta Gokuhara
Deltarune: Noelle Holiday, Kris Dreemurr, Roulxs Kaard
Komi Can't Communicate: Najimi Osana, Shoko Komi, Hitohito Tadano
Little Witch Academia: Lotte Jansson, Atsuko Kagari, Diana Cavendish
Mega Man Classic: Protoman, Terra, Ballade
Mega Man Fully Charged: Sgt. Breaker Night, Dr. Light, Fire Man
Mega Man X: Zero, X, Dynamo
Mega Man Zero: Cyber Elf X, Ciel, Omega Zero
Parappa The Rapper: Noodle Master, Parappa Rappa, Instructor Mooshea
Skylanders: Kaos, Blast Zone, Bushwhack
Street Fighter: Ken Masters, Dudley, Sakura
Super Mario: Prince Dreambert, Luigi, Princess Rosalina
King Of Fighters: Terry Bogard, Duck King, Eiji Kisaragi
Undertale: Chara, Asgore Dreemurr, Papyrus
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lumineary-arts · 2 years
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My first time drawing Komi! My personal hc for this is that Najimi showed Komi the cute domestic parts of Spy x Family and promised to get Komi some cosplay, deciding not to tell her about the Thorn Princess part.
+ Tadano’s matching as twilight ofc
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ao3feed-twiyor · 17 days
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/NTf6Op4 by kielodyy doing requests cs im boredd Words: 46, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 斉木楠雄のΨ難 | Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan | The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), SPY x FAMILY (Anime), 古見さんはコミュ症です。 | Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu | Miss Komi Can't Communicate (Manga), Death Note (Anime & Manga), Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Multi Characters: Aiura Mikoto, Saiki Kusuo, Kaidou Shun, Kuboyasu Aren, Yumehara Chiyo, Rifuta Imu, Teruhashi Kokomi, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto, Yaoyorozu Momo, Jirou Kyouka, Amane Misa, L, Yagami Light, Kaminari Denki, Fujioka Haruhi, Suoh Tamaki, Ootori Kyouya, Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru, Kasanoda Ritsu, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Loid Forger | Twilight Relationships: Aiura Mikoto/Saiki Kusuo, Kaidou Shun/Kuboyasu Aren, Kaidou Shun/Yumehara Chiyo, Rifuta Imu/Teruhashi Kokomi, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki, Komi Shouko/Tadano Hitohito, Osana Najimi/Tadano Hitohito, Amane Misa/L, Amane Misa/Yagami Light, Fujioka Haruhi/Suoh Tamaki, Fujioka Haruhi/Ootori Kyouya, Fujioka Haruhi/Hitachiin Hikaru, Fujioka Haruhi/Hitachiin Kaoru, Fujioka Haruhi/Kasanoda Ritsu, Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess Additional Tags: Prompt Fic, Fluff, One Shot Collection, Sleepy Cuddles, Forehead Kisses, Jealousy, Lemon, Idiots in Love, Love Confessions read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/NTf6Op4
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foxes81ofanime · 2 years
and shamelessly plug my fic!
Read Komi Can’t Communicate? Watched it? Well here’s some Halloween Najimi x Tadano! https://archiveofourown.org/works/42764082
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arrchivist · 2 years
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⠀⠀⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀⠀⠀Yeah, but it's still not quite right.
Information under cut. Requests Closed.
Transparents 1 2 3 and Textless Stickers used for Replycons.
Edits Offered.
KEY: Bold: Enjoy Editing ; Italics: Selective ; Coloured Blue: For Certain Sources Only
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➜﹒Layouts (3 Icons & Headers)
➜﹒Blog Setups (3 Icons and Setups, URLs, Colour Scheme, Description & Tags)
➜﹒Mobile Wallpapers
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⠀⠀⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏
KEY: Bold: Enjoy Editing ; Italics: Selective
➜﹒Genshin Impact
➜﹒Cookie Run (Ovenbreak & Kingdom)
➜﹒Komi Can't Communicate
➜﹒Classroom of the Elite
➜﹒Project Sekai
➜﹒Ensemble Stars!!
➜﹒Doki Doki Literature Club
➜﹒Bang Dream: Girls Band Party! (Bandori)
➜﹒Honkai Impact 3rd
➜﹒D4DJ Groovy Mix
Unlisted Sources will be done as long as it has official art, but still selective. If that source makes me uncomfortable, I will decline it.
⠀⠀⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏
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➜﹒I may disappear without notice, so don't be afraid if you don't get a response.
➜﹒I will decline requests which makes me uncomfortable, you are in my DNI, request is in the blacklist or I don't understand the aesthetic you're going for.
➜﹒I won't do irl requests for my irls
⠀⠀⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏
Before you Follow...
➜﹒I'm a minor (in a nutshell, I'm under 18 but i fit the age requirement of tumblr)
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➜﹒I am very paranoid.
➜﹒I use the exclamation mark (!) a lot at times
➜﹒I sometimes type in ALL CAPS or all lowercase
➜﹒I swear/cuss at times (but I will ask you if you're okay with it when talking)
➜﹒I switch speaking types to in character (Kanade) and out of character
⠀⠀⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏
Do Not Interact if...
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If you request something under this, your request will be declined.
➜﹒Sumeru Characters (Genshin ; Tighnari, Alhaitham, Cyno & Collei are exceptions)
➜﹒Any Problematic/Incest Ships
➜﹒Boyfriends (Webtoon)
➜﹒Rin x Len (Project Sekai & Vocaloid)
➜﹒Anya x Any Adult (SPYxFAMILY)
➜﹒Any -core aesthetics
➜﹒Harry Potter
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➜﹒Korekiyo Shinguji (Danganronpa)
Whitelist will prioritise requests when there are more than one request.
➜﹒Genshin Impact
Eula, Venti, Ningguang, Keqing, Zhongli, Kamisato Siblings (Ayaka and Ayato), Raiden Shogun (Ei, Baal whatever you call her by), Kokomi
➜﹒Cookie Run
KEY: Orange: Ovenbreak ; Purple: Kingdom ; Both of Them: Ovenbreak and Kingdom
Timekeeper Cookie, Moonlight Cookie, White Ghost Cookie, Black Garlic Cookie, Clotted Cream Cookie, Financier Finance Cookie, Madeleine Cookie, Espresso Cookie, Sea Fairy Cookie, Herb Cookie, Cream Unicorn Cookie, Oyster Cookie
➜﹒Komi Can't Communicate
Tadano and Komi's Siblings, Shouko Komi, Tadano Hitohito, Osana Najimi
➜﹒Classroom of the Elite
Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, Horikita Suzune, Karuizawa Kei, Sakayanagi Arisu
Anya Forger, Yor Forger, Loid Forger, Damian Desmond, Yuri Briar
➜﹒Project Sekai
Everyone, I like them all lol
⠀⠀⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀
Mod Introduction.
Hihi, I'm Kanade, but you can also call me Jae! I'm a Non Binary Lesbian Asexual Vampire, using any pronouns! I run this account as an interest! I also have a main, @lesmafuyu!
My Kins & IRLS (colored)!  Shouko Komi, Mafuyu Asahina, Ena Shinonome, Yuri (DDLC), Nene Kusanagi, Kanade Yoisaki
My F/Os!  Kohane Azusawa, An Shiraishi, Shizuku Hinomori, Haruka Kiritani, Honami Mochizuki, Arashi Narukami, Tsukasa Suou
If I'm doing something wrong or my edits get stolen, please let me know! Tumblr & Pinterest (ia) are the only platforms I'm in (as senyoumirai, but as Jae, I have Tumblr and Twitter), if anyone is claiming to be me outside Tumblr, Twitter or any other platforms I haven't mentioned (probably mentioned in main), it is not me.
⠀⠀⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏
Tag Dump • Last Edited, 06/12/2022, Tues.
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deadmandairyland · 4 months
I wasn't sure if I should comment on this, given that I haven't seen much of the series beyond a few clips on YouTube and a few manga panels on blog posts here and there, but for a series that has two fairly popular trio dynamics, both of which share two of the three characters, with one being a really popular OT3 and the other being a somewhat less popular but still popular enough for me to know it exists OT3, I'm absolutely baffled that searching both "Komi Can't Communicate" and "OT4" yields absolutely nothing. I am even more baffled about this than I am about Makina x Kasuga having virtually no fan content. At least I can assume that the reason for the Makina x Kasuga drought is because the Deadman Wonderland fandom is kinda niche at this point, but Komi-san is like one of the big manga/anime romcoms right now. You're gonna tell me that not a single person in the universe ships Komi x Tadano x Manbagi x Najimi? I don't believe you. The Internet is straight up lying to me.
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sunpinktulip · 2 years
My QPR headcanons
Najimi x Tadano x Komi (Komi-san can´t communicate)
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Maki x Yuu (Hoshiai no Sora)
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Ritsu x Shou (Mob Psycho 100)
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Atsushi x Akutagawa (Bungo Stray Dogs)
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Yuuji x Megumi (Jujutsu Kaisen)
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fluttersheek · 2 years
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-latte (stimboard)
-cappuccino (moodboard)
-frappuccino (headcanons)
-americano (playlists)
-black coffee (oneshot)
-cinnamon (lgbtq)
-mocha (fluff)
-pumpkin (x reader)
- french vanilla (x oc)
- peppermint (x s/o)
-egg pudding/custard (mlp: FiM)
-chocolate chip cookie (Komi can’t communicate)
-small lemon cake (TBHK/JSHK)
-small french vanilla cake (sailor moon)
~choose (a) friend(s) to eat with!~
-komi shoko
-rainbow dash
-najimi osana
-yashiro nene
-hitohito tadano
-usagi tsukino
-ami mizuno
-rei hino
-minako aino
-makoto kino
-aoi akane (fem)
-pinkie pie
•Disclaimers/Extra Info•
*we only serve what is on the menu! please don’t ask for anything that isn’t on there!
*if you are not satisfied with your order, please let us know, we will fix it!
*we accept tips ! (reposts, likes, comments)
*remember, we are only human, if we make a mistake or you disagree with us because of something proven, let us know, but don’t expect us to make edits to our published work.
Thanks For Stopping by! Come again!
-Flutters Cafe 🌸
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ao3feed-izch · 17 days
by kielodyy
doing requests cs im boredd
Words: 46, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 斉木楠雄のΨ難 | Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan | The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), SPY x FAMILY (Anime), 古見さんはコミュ症です。 | Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu | Miss Komi Can't Communicate (Manga), Death Note (Anime & Manga), Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Aiura Mikoto, Saiki Kusuo, Kaidou Shun, Kuboyasu Aren, Yumehara Chiyo, Rifuta Imu, Teruhashi Kokomi, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto, Yaoyorozu Momo, Jirou Kyouka, Amane Misa, L, Yagami Light, Kaminari Denki, Fujioka Haruhi, Suoh Tamaki, Ootori Kyouya, Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru, Kasanoda Ritsu, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Loid Forger | Twilight
Relationships: Aiura Mikoto/Saiki Kusuo, Kaidou Shun/Kuboyasu Aren, Kaidou Shun/Yumehara Chiyo, Rifuta Imu/Teruhashi Kokomi, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki, Komi Shouko/Tadano Hitohito, Osana Najimi/Tadano Hitohito, Amane Misa/L, Amane Misa/Yagami Light, Fujioka Haruhi/Suoh Tamaki, Fujioka Haruhi/Ootori Kyouya, Fujioka Haruhi/Hitachiin Hikaru, Fujioka Haruhi/Hitachiin Kaoru, Fujioka Haruhi/Kasanoda Ritsu, Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess
Additional Tags: Prompt Fic, Fluff, One Shot Collection, Sleepy Cuddles, Forehead Kisses, Jealousy, Lemon, Idiots in Love, Love Confessions
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58756213
0 notes
darkeraven22 · 1 year
VIZ Komi Can't Communicate Volume 7 Review Chapter Ninety-Four Part 1 (Digital)
In The Premiere Of Everybody Wants Najimi To Perish…So it’s January 2nd. Tadano Hitohito has woken up… At Noon… And finds his gaming guest Najimi is still here. With his sister, and faceless mom. Oh! So that faceless lady from Charlie X wasn’t wearing SFX? She really was a faceless actress? No? They just won’t show us the Tadano mother yet? Ok. Did she appear in the Season 2 Anime? Post in the…
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literally-inlove · 3 years
hi!! i saw that you asked for ideas on Komi Shousuke, so im here :D
how about:
1.reader meets shousukes family/or reader goes out with the family too see the komi siblings' aunt and uncle!
2.reader and shousuke's relationship gets exposed through the school and they actually dont get back lash. how would shousuke's PDA change?
thank you for your time <3
It's our lord and savior. 🙏 Sweetleige, I am in love with you. I am on my knees for you. 🛐
You are now the love of my life.
You can be 2nd. Ramuda is number 1.
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Shousuke and his secret s/o get found out by the school ( ˊᵕˋ ; )
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Now Shousuke is a very quiet person.
Unlike his sister, Shousuke is a quiet person because he wants to be a quiet person. He doesn't like social interaction.
Quite the rare sight when he does talk. Soak it up if he does.
To say the least, he didn't expect falling in love. On his main list, his s/o has to be sweet, loving, and most importantly on the list, patient.
Did you fit those requirements? Maybe you fit one more than the others.
Naturally, you had to confess first. You just said it to him so that he knew and you could get over your crush. But he strangely said he had an interest in you as well?
He didn't so much say. He kinda just gave you a hug and nodded into your neck.
So now you two are officially together. 👍😃
You both kept it a secret. He kept his distance from you and you did the same (Didn't stop you both from admiring each other from afar).
You did talk rarely to not make anyone suspicious. And by talk, I mean it's just you rambling to him and he pretends he's not listening to a word you're saying.
But I'll tell you this once. This boy remembers everything about you. From your birthday, to the exact day you stepped foot into his house as his s/o. He remembers.
Now comes the fun part.
How does your school find out?
You're upstairs in his room and you're giving him all sorts of cuddles on a Saturday at noon. The usual.
And normally at this time, his family knows not to bother him. It's his time. They're either making lunch or watching TV..
What he didn't know was that people were coming over, so he didn't lock his door.
To make things worse, it was the Tadano siblings, Hitohito and Hitomi.
Hitomi is a very talkative girl. She doesn't stop talking. And once she knows something about Shousuke, she doesn't keep quiet about it.
Hitohito went over to study with Shouko, and Hitomi just tagged along. And Najimi also invited themself over.
Komi Shuuko, the mother of the house, thought Hitomi already knew. Since the girl was kinda Shousuke's friend. Not really. Just sorta?
And the way Shuuko said it. Should've just kept her mouth shut. "Shousuke and his s/o are up in his room."
... His what now?
Hitomi was in a state of confusion. Shousuke, an antisocial boy who appears to hate everyone, managed to get himself an s/o???
Hitomi ran faster than Sonic up the stairs and slammed the door wide open.
Shousuke was laying on your chest, so the sound made him jump and bump his head on your chin.
Hitomi fears nothing. So his glare didn't stop her from telling the whole school.
His fanclub were actually okay with it cause let's admit it... You're gorgeous. 🙄
A gorgeous guy with a gorgeous s/o. Perfect couple right there.
The benefits to the school knowing are that you can go back to being by his side.
Lunch dates at school.
Long conversations (Of you just blabbering on about something and him occasionally speaking).
Speaking of which, Shousuke talks more around you.
You'd catch students sometimes stalking you both to hear him speak but he knows so he doesn't speak at all.
He enjoys hearing your voice so he doesn't do it often but he does it more than before.
His family loves you.
His school loves you.
He loves you more than everyone else COMBINED.
Hope you're committed cause his first love will be his only love in his life. 🙂
Overall, patience is key. You were patient to reveal your relationship but SOMEONE had to reveal it.
He doesn't care.
Now everybody knows you're taken.
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He is a boy who has NO RIGHTS being so attractive. We love him. I love him. Everyone loves him. Shousuke is beautiful. (But I'll forever love Najimi and Kaede more)
Najimi in that one point: (๑꒪▿꒪)/⁉
I'm convinced that Shuuko adopted Najimi. Kinda saw them and went, "This one loud. I like."
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